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I can't believe we're here...

Here we are, the beginning of the end...Tomorrow morning...or I should say, later today, we fly back home. First to Korea, for our six hour layover, then to Vancouver, then to a bus to get us back to our belovedBellingham, Washington. July 16th and we still feel as if we've just arrived. We've barely tapped into the entirety that is Everyone always says time flies.

When we were preparing for the trip, my family and friends told me:

"You'll blink and it'll all be over."

I heard them say it, I knew it was true. I thought I was prepared to say goodbye to this city and these people. And here I am, at 2:30 in the morning because I don't want to lose any time here.

Throughout the past three and a half weeks, we have had so many beautiful moments. From camel rides to research projects. Shopping to enjoying local foods and services. Touring rolling hills in the country side to museums and ancient ruins. We have seen so many incredible sights. Everywhere we go, everything we have seen, has been an adventure.

A beautiful adventure.

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