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We spent a few gloriously relaxing days out on the Steppe, away from the city. Those precious days were calm and pretty much exactly what we all needed, relaxation time away from work. When we were out on the Steppe, I didn't have my laptop to keep y'all updated on my thoughts and whatnot. I did however have my journal so I could play with some poetry.

I had hurt my ankle one evening, and the morning after the group was headed out for a hike. I thought it wouldn't be the best idea, so I grabbed my colored pencils and my coloring book (which are obviously always on me regardless) and decided to go sit at the table with this view.

This is where we found ourselves for just a few days, north of Ulaanbaatar in the Khustai National Park. When we stayed there, there was a local family that maintained the property. I had an instant connection with two girls when we bonded playing volleyball then continued to hangout, regardless of language barriers. They both spoke a little English and they thought it was funny when I asked them for vocabulary lessons, pointing out objects or hopping through the grass to catch a Tsa-Tsa (aka Grasshopper). After playing in the grass, and attempting to play some sports...regardless of a sad lack of coordination...the three of us, Bayarjargal, Amarbayasgalan and I, decided to sit down and color for the better half of the morning.

Sitting in comfortable silence, we took in the beauty of everything around us. The rolling hills, the fields of lavender flowers, the spunky bugs flying about. Particularly, the simple beauty of the moment itself.

I had to take a moment to think about how utterly amazing it was to be sitting down with these girls, in comfortable silence for the sake of art and community. Those girls were absolutely incredible, and I'll miss them dearly, anyway...Here's a random poem I wrote while coloring with the kids from one of our host families.

Here is the poem:

Communication is a beautiful thing


All of us

Communicate in some way


Seen and Heard

Moved and Written

Created and Destroyed

More powerful than anything else

Always have been, always will be

Declarations, Condemnations, Information

Passed along throughout generations

Blind Deaf Mute

Yet a teacher


Introductions across an ocean

And she called me sister

Sometimes only a few words are truly necessary to describe

the intended inspiration

Intent...what a strange thought

The weight of the meaning hidden between the letters

The syllables , the syntax, the technicalities

And yet when words are no longer necessary...

Eyes can sing symphonies Ears turning blind to the moral of the story

How to say all that is on my mind-

when words are falling behind

and every thought I want to convey is


Locked inside that 70% of my brain that even after 16 years of schooling-

the educational system still can't help me access

whatever pandora left behind

inside this blockaded box

Somewhere between the vowels and the consonants,

the diphthongs and tonality

lies something far stronger

Constitutions causing commotions camouflaging core causality

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